Sunday, March 24, 2013

Protecting Our Way of Life

There are people who reject the very notion of climate change because they feel the whole situation threatens their way of life.

They see "environmentalism" as a religion that other people are trying to force on them.  They feel their values are being labeled as "bad" and their culture being targeted for elimination.  They see their goals and aspirations as being dismissed.

The fact is, no one wants the level of destruction that is headed our way, not even those who promote lies about it.

Coming to terms with what is happening is difficult and painful and profoundly disappointing.

It's as though we're on a luxurious cruise ship: the food is delicious, the music beautiful, the furnishings warm and comfortable.  Then the ship lists suddenly.  To the lifeboats: cold wind, choppy waves, not even enough space. The Titanic has hit an iceberg.

Climate change is like that.

We'll be leaving the lap of luxury whether we like it or not (I can't imagine anyone would).  There will be loss.  There will be sacrifices.  There will be a more comfortable existence left behind.  No one intends on voyaging in a lifeboat.

But if we're diligent and hardworking (and lucky), our way of life will survive.

"Way of life" invariably means different things to different people.  Driving a four wheel drive truck up and down a wilderness stream at full throttle for fun probably will go by the wayside.  But there are other ways to experience nature.

So it depends on what you care about.  If you care about being outside and having fun, that can still be done, but how it is accomplished might need to change.

In a warming world a lot of the luxuries we enjoy won't be there.  Having good quality of life is going to require some changes.  Some changes will be needed if we are going to avoid further damage.  Other changes will be needed to deal with damage that can no longer be avoided.

We have hit an iceberg.  We need to man the lifeboats.  It's not that anyone wants to, but it's what we have to do if we're going to be okay.

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